Sopra Steria International Student Challenge - Norway

Sopra Steria inviterer studenter fra hele verden til å bruke AI og forandre verden ved å gi dem en mulighet til å innovere, få veiledning og muligheten til å vinne fantastiske premier. La oss alle bidra til en bedre fremtid for miljømessige, sosiale, økonomiske og utdanningsmessige spørsmål.




(1st edition, 2024-25)



Article 1: Organization

Sopra Steria Group (hereinafter referred to as "the Organizer"), a French public limited company with capital of € 20,547,701, registered with the Annecy Trade and Companies Register (RCS) under no. 326 820 065, whose registered office is located at PAE Les Glaisins 74940 Annecy-Le-Vieux, France, is organizing a contest for students in higher education schools or universities, pursuing studies in the fields of engineering, IT in data and business, in the following countries: France, Germany, Benelux, Spain, Italy, Poland, Norway, and India (countries in which the group Sopra Steria is present, with legal entities that have chosen to contribute, hereinafter: the "Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities") a free (no obligation to purchase), team-based contest (only, no individual applications), entitled "Sopra Steria International Student Challenge" (hereinafter "the Contest"), consisting of proposing a project dealing with or using AI (Artificial Intelligence), which will begin on 16/09/2024 and end on 04/03/2025.


Following a pre-selection and selection process carried out first at national level, in each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity, by National project managers and a National or local Jury, then at international level by an International Grand Jury during a grand final, only three (3) national teams of students participating in the Contest will be declared winners at a ceremony, which will take place on 04/03/2025, in Spain, at the offices of Sopra Steria Spain (avd. de Manoteras, 48, 28050 Madrid), and will then each be awarded, in addition to goddies, a main prize (one (1) prize per winning team, i.e. three (3) main prizes in all), and an additional prize.


Participation in the Contest implies full acceptance of these Rules.



Article 2: Purpose / Objective

This Contest offers students in Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities the opportunity to propose or develop their knowledge/skills of AI (Artificial Intelligence) theories and techniques, by helping them, mainly through a financial reward, to develop an innovative or visionary project in this field.

The aim of the Contest is to raise awareness of the group Sopra Steria and improve the attractiveness of Sopra Steria's employer brand among students, both nationally and internationally (in all Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities).



Article 3: Contest schedule

The Contest schedule is as follows:


1/ "Registration/Participation phase" (from 09/16 to 11/18/2024):

This first phase is dedicated to the online registration, by pre-constituted teams (only), of candidate students, and to the submission of the file relating to their project on the Agorize platform (at the address:, the service provider chosen by the Organizer.

National project managers check the conformity of the application and accept or reject submission of the file.


2/ "National or local Pre-selection phase" (from 19/11 to 29/11/2024), with mentoring/coaching:

This second phase is dedicated to the pre-selection by the National project managers in each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity, of the files that have been previously accepted. The student teams whose files have been accepted (between three (3) and six (6) teams per Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity) will receive mentoring/coaching from national experts (two experienced Sopra Steria employees per team), which will take place during two workshops from 02 to 13/12/2024, and from 06 to 17/01/2025.


  • Mentoring/Coaching :

Its aim is to ensure that the candidates' projects reach a sufficient level of technical/business maturity. Two (2) two-hour workshops will be organized for each selected team:

  • First workshop (December 2024): the main objective will be to accurately identify the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed project, while exploring the various development opportunities. This phase will enable the teams to consolidate their understanding of the project and draw up a solid strategy for moving it forward.
  • Second workshop (January 2025): the experts will provide advice and suggestions to refine the project vision, examining it from all angles. The aim will be to align the project with the set objectives and ensure its coherence with the overall vision, while adopting an approach similar to that of a "scoping workshop" (of the needs). This will enable the teams to fine-tune their concept and get it ready for presentation at the National Final.


Number of pre-selected files per Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity (at national level): between three (3) and six (6) teams maximum (at the discretion of the said Countries/entities).


  • "Selections phase / National or local Finals (from 20/01 to 07/02/2025), with oral presentation, and mentoring/coaching if appropriate:

At the end of the second phase, in each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity, on the Sopra Steria sites of the said Countries/entities concerned (national participants will be informed of the exact location by e-mail via the Agorize platform) a National Final will be organized, including:


- an oral presentation, during which the members of each pre-selected team (between three (3) and six (6) teams) will take it in turns to present their joint project to the National or local Jury in the language of the concerned Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity;


- at the end of that presentation, a ceremony announcing the winning teams and awarding goodies will take place at national level in each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity, at the concerned Sopra Steria sites.


There will be only one (1) national winning team per Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity.


Each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity will offer goodies to the members of the winning team. And for France, a prize (at national level) will also be awarded to each member of the winning team (as provided for in Article 9).


The members of the national winning teams in each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity will be informed by e-mail via the Agorize platform of their selection for the International Final.


3/ "International Final" with oral presentation (04/03/2025):

During this third and last Phase, an International Final will be organized, including:


- an oral presentation, during which each member of the winning team will in turn present their joint project to the International Grand Jury, this time in English only;


- at the end of that presentation, the International Grand Jury will declare, at a ceremony, the three (3) winning student teams at the international level of the Contest, i.e. the three (3) "best" projects or files among the "best" designated as winners by the National or local Juries.

(There can therefore only be one (1) "winning" team in each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity at the national level, and only three (3) truly, definitively victorious teams, rewarded by a main prize, and by an additional prize, at the international level).

The announcement of the winning international teams will be made by the Organizer at a ceremony to be held on 04/03/025, at the offices of Sopra Steria Spain (avd. de Manoteras, 48, 28050 Madrid).

The three (3) winning finalist teams will receive their main prizes (by bank transfer) in the days following the ceremony.



Article 4: Governance and organizational bodies

- An International project manager (Sopra Steria employee/manager) ensures the good running of the Contest at national (Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities) and international level. He is involved in all phases of the Contest.


- National project managers (Sopra Steria employees) ensure the good running of the Contest in their Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities, by checking the registration forms and validating the submission of files (Phase 1).

They are also involved in pre-selecting files at national level (Phase 2), choosing the composition of the National or local Jury, organizing the National Selection and Final, and supporting "winning" national teams by providing information/advice for their participation in the International Final.


- National or local Juries (Sopra Steria employees/managers and invited external personalities) are set up in each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity, made up of internal and external people whom the National project managers deem useful or relevant for evaluating and selecting the proposed projects.


- The International Grand Jury (Sopra Steria employees/managers and invited external personalities) evaluates the selected national projects (at national level) and selects the three (3) winning student teams from among them, at international level.


Employees and representatives of the Organizer, Project managers (international and national), members of the National Juries and the International Grand Jury, national experts (internal and external) for mentoring/coaching, as well as employees and representatives of the partner Agorize, shall not participate in the Contest, nor assist participating teams in the development of their project (other than as provided in these Rules for national experts).



Article 5: Conditions of participation (per team)

The Contest is open to:


- any student of legal age, regularly enrolled on the date of the Contest (and able to provide proof of their student status), in a higher education school or university, pursuing studies in the fields of engineering, IT, data and business;


- in a school/university located in one of the Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities, i.e.: France, Germany, Benelux, Spain, Italy, Poland, Norway and India;


- student, who must reside in one of the above-mentioned countries for the duration of the Contest.



Article 6: How to register/participate

Student applicants must:


1/ Register online (via an ad hoc form), i.e. have an Internet connection and a valid e-mail address.

2/ Create their own team or join an existing one (from 2 to 5 members maximum per team)

     And appoint a team leader who will be the team's main contact with the Organizer (its governing or organizational bodies).

3/ Submit a simplified description, as well as their file or (joint) project on the Agorize platform, within the set deadlines and in the language of their country of residence (language of the Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity concerned).


All registration/participation in the Contest must be made solely online via a form to be completed on the Agorize platform (the service provider chosen by the Organizer), accessible at the following address:, in English.


Participants must indicate in the form:

  • first name, surname, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number, country of residence, name of school or university, field of study and current year.

And write a simplified description of the proposed project (text only, number of lines/characters or maximum file size: 50 MB), imperatively in English only, for better understanding and sharing by all.


The file or project itself must also be submitted on this platform, in the language of the corresponding Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity (French, German, etc.). It must be in PowerPoint format, with a maximum size of 50 Mo.

The file must describe the proposed project, in particular its innovative character, potential market, underlying technologies and production processes, in order to be selected on the basis of the criteria below.


The deadline for applications is midnight on 18/11/2024.

(No file will be accepted after this date).


Participation implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limits of the Internet, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation or piracy and the risk of contamination by any viruses circulating on the network. The Organizer declines all liability in this respect (particularly in the event of misuse or incident related to the use of a terminal to connect, Internet access, telephone line or any other means of connection).



Article 7: Selection/acceptance criteria (in Phase 1)

Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of participation described in articles 5 and 6, and more generally with these Rules, will systematically result in the rejection of the form, or of the file/project, and will not allow the team to compete.


Participation forms or applications submitted during Phase 1 (Registration/Participation Phase) will be accepted by the National project managers on the basis of their compliance with the conditions for participation, their completeness, clarity and intelligibility.

National project managers reserve the right to ask participants for further information or clarification before validating/accepting them for the next stage (end of Phase 2: Selections Phase / National or local Finals).


Any application or project submitted, once accepted by the Organizer (i.e. once the National or local juries have decided on their national selection at the end of Phase 2), can in principle no longer be modified (except in the case of mentoring/coaching).



Article 8: Project selection criteria (at the end of Phase 2, and in Phase 3)

All projects submitted should be about AI (Artificial Intelligence), designed by, oriented around or using its theories and techniques, and if possible be notably ethical, inclusive and sustainable in their design.


All the applications accepted by the National project managers in each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity will then be analyzed by the National or local juries, who will assess their innovative nature, potential and ability to be implemented, in order to select them at national level.

At the end of this analysis, each National jury will locally select projects (between three (3) and six (6) projects per Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity) so that their authors can benefit from mentoring/coaching.


The selection criteria, for this end of Phase 2, are awarded on 100 (one hundred) points, distributed as follows: 60 (sixty) points for technical skills and 40 (forty) for general skills; and this, according to the following breakdown:


Technical skills (60 points):

20 points: Relevance to theme. Alignment with theme, problem solving through AI application. Clearly express the problem statement and how the proposed project aims to solve or contribute to the identified problem.


15 points: Innovation and creativity. Originality and creativity of the idea. Uniqueness of approach to problem-solving, inventive thinking.


10 points: Technical excellence. Understanding/application of AI concepts. Technical feasibility, given team skills and available resources.


10 points: Potential impact. Assess the project's potential positive impact on a global or local scale. Clear articulation of how the project addresses societal or environmental challenges.


5 points: Feasibility benchmark. Realistic and achievable goals within the time and resources available. Consideration of potential challenges and a well-thought-out strategy for overcoming them.


General skills (40 points):

20 points: Presentation and communication. Clarity and effectiveness of team presentations. Ability to communicate complex ideas to a non-technical audience.


15 points: Interdisciplinary collaboration. Between team members from different disciplines. Synergy demonstrated between the various skill sets of team members.


5 points: Ethical considerations. Ethical implications of the project. Commitment to ethical practices in AI development.


The International Grand Jury will apply the same criteria as above to select the three (3) winning teams.



Article 9: Goodies, prizes and awards

The announcement of one (1) finalist team as the national winner will be made by each National jury at a ceremony, and a presentation of goodies, to be held between 20/01 and 07/02/2025 in each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity, at the concerned Sopra Steria sites. (National winners will be informed of the exact location by e-mail via the Agorize platform).


  • Goodies :

The goodies given by the Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities to the members of the winning teams (at national level) are, for example: pens, canvas bags, mugs, notebooks, stickers, etc.


One national prize (for France only):

For the winning team in France (Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity):

-          one (1) "K610 Drone GPS" drone with 4K camera, automatic return, 5G WiFi transmission, RC quadcopter with brushless motor. Unit value € 199.99 incl. VAT* (for each member of the winning team at national level, France - delivered in person at the ceremony in France).

* public price generally observed in France.


The announcement of the three (3) finalist teams and declared winners of the Contest at international level will be made by the International Grand Jury at a ceremony to be held on 04/03/2025 in Madrid (Spain), on the Sopra Steria Spain site:


  • Main prizes:

Each member of the three (3) winning teams (at international level) will be awarded one of the following prizes or equivalents), to be shared between the team members, in order:


- 1st prize (winning team rank 1):       Euros 10,000 (in total, or the equivalent in local currency, to be shared between team members)

- 2nd prizes (winning team rank 2):  Euros 5,000 (in total, or the equivalent in local currency, to be shared between team members)

- 3rd prizes (winning team rank 3):   Euros 2,500 (in total, or the equivalent in local currency, to be shared between team members)


Participants/winners must therefore have a bank account in their own name for the duration of the Contest (in order to receive their winnings).


  • Additional prizes:

The three winning teams (at international level) will also benefit from one (1) training session (free), remotely, given by the Academy Sopra Steria on "AI and critical thinking", as well as one (1) year of coaching (free) by Sopra Steria experts in AI to continue their work on their project. This will be done face-to-face (in person) if the winners live in the city where their National Final will be held (in the Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities where the coaches are located), or remotely in all other cases.

This training and coaching will take place between 05/03/2025 and 05/03/2026 (with a deadline of 05/03/2026) and may be carried out face-to-face (in person) or remotely (virtually), at the Organizer's discretion.


The first three prizes (main prizes) will be awarded to the winners in the days following the ceremony by bank transfer to the account of each member of the winning team in ranks 1, 2 and 3 (for this purpose, the winners must have previously sent their bank details and a copy of their identity card to the Organizer, who will request them by e-mail).

It is the responsibility of the winners to declare any prizes to the tax authorities in their country of residence/taxation.


In order to benefit from the training sessions provided by the Sopra Steria Academy and to organize the details of the year's coaching by Sopra Steria AI experts, the leader of the rank 1, 2, and 3 winning team must contact the National project manager to agree on a specific training and coaching date for the entire team.


Prizes, whatever they may be, may not give rise to any dispute or claim. They may not be exchanged in kind or reimbursed in cash, nor may any consideration of any kind be given, and are non-assignable.


Winners agree not to hold the Organizer liable, in particular with regard to their quality for additional prizes or any consequences arising from the possession or use of the prizes in general.

In the event of force majeure or an unforeseen event beyond its control, the Organizer reserves the right to replace the prizes announced or awarded with prizes of an equivalent nature or value.


For the additional prizes, if the winners do not contact the Organizer within thirty (30) calendar days following the date of the ceremony (the announcement of the prizes) in order to agree on a training and coaching date, these prizes will then be lost for the winners (they will not be reallocated, the Organizer will be free to cancel them).



Article 10: Payment of travel and/or accommodation expenses


The Organizer or the Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities will pay for:


  • travel expenses only (not accommodation expenses) for the teams selected at the national level to attend their National or local Final (oral presentation + ceremony) organized in each Participating Sopra Steria Country/entity, on the Sopra Steria sites of the said countries/entities concerned, and this, for the winners who do not live in the city where their National Final takes place.


And the Organizer will take direct charge (booking/ordering and payment):


  • i) travel and accommodation expenses for the national winning teams to attend the international grand final (oral presentation + ceremony) organized in Madrid, Spain (except for Spanish national winning teams if they are already resident in Madrid (Spain), i.e. are local, on site, in which case they will be responsible for any expenses they may incur to attend the grand final);


under the following conditions:


- travel expenses in the two cases above, and accommodation expenses in case i) above, will be paid by the Organizer up to a limit of: all modes of return transport, 4 meals and 2 nights' hotel accommodation in Madrid for winners who do not live in Madrid, within the limit of the conditions usually applied within Sopra Steria Group (see Sopra Steria Travel & Expense Policy, in Appendix 2). All other related expenses, in particular insurance and other meals/hotel nights, are the sole responsibility of the winners and will not be covered or reimbursed.


In order for the Organizer to book/order and pay, in advance, for the transportation tickets, visas if appropriate, meals and hotel accommodations, the winners (at the national level) must provide all the necessary information to this end (in particular, a copy of their valid passport or identity card (for EU residents)).


Participants/winners must have a valid passport or identity card for the duration of the Contest.



Article 11: Intellectual property

Participants and/or winners represents and warrants that they own all intellectual property rights necessary for their participation in the Contest or relating to the content of their files submitted on the online platform, which they thus make available to the Organizer in this context, for the duration and for the sole purposes of the Contest. Failure to do so, participants and/or winners shall be liable for all consequences arising therefrom and shall indemnify the Organizer against any claim.


Participants and/or winners retain all intellectual property rights to their files or projects submitted for this Contest. Nothing herein shall be construed as conferring any transfer of ownership to the Organizer, Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities, or organizing bodies (project managers (international and national), members of the Juries, and national experts (internal and external) for mentoring/coaching).


Files will be returned to the participants and/or winners, or may be collected by them, at the latest at the end of the Contest, or destroyed, on simple request made to the International project manager.



Article 12: Compliance with laws and regulations

Participants certify that they meet all the conditions required to participate in the Contest, and that they comply with the terms of these Rules and all applicable laws and regulations.


Participants and/or winners undertake to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to them (including local laws/regulations in the Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities), and the Organiser cannot be held liable in this respect.

In particular, participants and/or winners undertake to ensure that their files/projects comply with the laws/regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, intellectual property rights, in particular copyright, do not breach privacy, and do not in any way constitute disinformation or defamation of third parties.



Article 13: Image rights / Assignment

Participants and/or winners agree to pose for photographs and/or videos, or the online capture of their image in these formats, free of charge, for the Organizer's internal and external communication needs.


Each participant and/or winner assigns exclusively to the Organizer, including all companies in the group Sopra Steria within the meaning of Article L 233.3 of the French Commercial Code (hereinafter referred to collectively as "the Assignees"), all intellectual property rights to the photographs/videos or recordings made of his/her image, namely the right of reproduction, representation and distribution, without restriction of any kind, whether or not accompanied by his/her surname and first name, by any process, on any paper, electronic, magnetic, optical or videographic medium, the Internet, or any future medium, whether known or unknown.

The term "image" refers to all personality attributes, including in particular the portrait, voice, surname and first name. In particular, the participant and/or winner acknowledges that the photographs/videos produced may need to be adapted to appropriate and suitable formats in order to be put online.


This assignment includes the right for the Organizer to make any changes, additions, deletions, cropping, dubbing, etc. to the initial fixation of the photographs/videos or recordings that it deems useful, as long as this does not alter the personality of the participant and/or winner.

In addition, photographs/videos or video recordings may be accompanied by any captions, comments and/or illustrations that respect the personality.


The assignment thus includes the right, for the Assignees, to use the photographs/videos resulting from a shooting session or online recording in the context of, in particular:

- internal publications (Intranet, internal magazines) and external publications (specialized and general press),

- advertising, commercial, financial or technical documents, and any means of promotion, particularly press services,

- public representations such as trade shows and professional events,

- website development or promotional purposes on the Internet, social networks (such as Facebook, X, LinkedIn), or any other online service.


This assignment is effective both for France and for the whole world, and for the legal duration of copyright/intellectual property protection in France.



Article 14: Personal data

The personal data of participants and/or winners collected in the context of the Contest are processed by the Organizer (Sopra Steria Group), in its capacity as data controller, on the basis of the consent of the participants and/or winners to the Contest.


The categories of personal data collected when registering via the online form are:

  • identification/contact data (first name, surname, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number, country of residence, name of school or university, field of study and current year),
  • and connection data (log, IP address),


The categories of personal data collected (by the Organizer), for the booking/ordering and payment of the winners' expenses (at national level), as provided for in article 10 "Payment of travel and/or accommodation expenses" (article 10 § 1 and case i)), relate to:

  • identification data (copy of passport or identity card for EU residents),
  • financial data (bank details so that the winners of the Contest can receive their main prizes in their bank account).


The Organizer, as data controller, uses a data processor: the service provider Agorize (15 rue Béranger, 75003 Paris, France), which collects and processes the personal data of participants/winners on behalf of the data controller, in accordance with its General Terms of Use (GTU) of its website, and its Privacy Policy, which can be found at and respectively.


The personal data collected is communicated only to the following authorized recipients: authorized personnel of the Organizer in charge of organizing the Contest (HR Departments, Communications Department, IT Department, and Finance Department), and authorized personnel of the service provider Agorize and its own sub processors.


These personal data are stored for the duration of the Contest, and one (1) month thereafter.


All the rules concerning the data collected in this way are specified in the Organizer's "Personal Data Protection Charter" available here: https:


In accordance with the applicable legislation/regulations relating to the protection of personal data, participants and/or winners have a right of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation, opposition, and definition of directives relating to the fate of this personal data after their death. These rights may be exercised by contacting the Data Protection Officer (DPO) by e-mail:

or by post:

Sopra Steria Group

Legal Department, Pôle France,

1, rue Serpentine

CS 50297

92903 Paris La Défense Cedex, France


Participants and/or winners also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), 3, place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris, France, website: , in the event of non-compliance by the data controller with its obligations under the applicable legislation/regulation.



Article 15: Disputes / Liability

These Rules and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Rules or the Contest (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law (unless otherwise provided by the law applicable to the participant).

In the event of a dispute, only a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt will be accepted within one (1) month of the proclamation of the results at the International Final (end date of the Contest). In the absence of an amicable settlement between the Organizer and the participant or winner, THE COURTS OF PARIS (FRANCE) SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN RESPECT OF ANY DISPUTE THAT MAY ARISE CONCERNING THE VALIDITY, INTERPRETATION, PERFORMANCE OR TERMINATION OF THESE RULES, AS WELL AS IN RESPECT OF ANY CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTEST. (However, the Organizer reserves the right to take action against any participant or winner for violation of these Rules in his/her country of residence or in any other relevant country).


Limitation of liability

The Organizer cannot be held responsible if, as a result of force majeure or unforeseen events beyond its control, the Contest has to be cancelled, postponed or modified, or if the national winners are unable to travel to/participate in the International Final.

In all cases, the Organizer reserves the right to extend or reduce the participation period, and to postpone any announced date, or to cancel the Contest at any time.

The Organizer may not be held liable for any damage resulting from the suspension or interruption, or any malfunction whatsoever, of the Contest (registration/participation and running).

The Organizer reserves the right to modify the dates of the Contest calendar and the planned locations, in particular for the oral participations/finals (these events may even be held remotely).


The Organizer (including its subsidiaries) is not the employer of the student candidates. The latter register and take part in the Contest voluntarily, as part of a personal process, their leisure activities or for their personal development, and cannot be considered as employees, representatives of their school/university, or of the Organizer, within the meaning of the French Labour Code.


Any inaccurate or untruthful declaration or fraud will result in the participant's disqualification.


No recourse based on the conditions under which the Contest was held or its results will be admitted. The mere fact of submitting an application implies full acceptance of these Rules in their entirety.


Any fraud or attempted fraud (such as misrepresentation or usurpation of identity/status) failure to provide the required information, or more generally any failure to comply with these Rules, or any malicious intent to disrupt the running of the Contest will immediately result in the elimination or disqualification of the participating candidate, or even his/her team; the Organizer reserves the right to take legal action against him/her or the members of the team.


Should one or more provisions of these Rules be declared null and void or inapplicable, the other clauses shall retain their full force and purpose. In the event of a discrepancy between the version of these Rules filed with the bailiff's office and the version of these Rules accessible online, only the version filed with the bailiff shall prevail.



Article 16: Language of these Rules

These Rules are drafted in French and English only (which alone are legally binding, French prevailing over English in the event of contradiction).



Article 17: Filing of these Rules / Modification

These Rules are registered with:

SARL PARHUIS, Huissiers de Justice (Bailiff)

51, rue Sainte-Anne

75002 Paris, France


It can be sent free of charge on request by e-mail to:


Any modification of these Rules will be the subject of an amendment, which will be filed with SARL PARHUIS, Huissiers de Justice (Bailiff), the depositary of these Rules, sent free of charge to any person who has made a request to obtain these Rules as provided above, and published online on the website and/or other communication media of the Organizer. It does not entitle to any further delay or postponement.







Appendix 1

List of Participating Sopra Steria Countries/entities



France :


Sopra Steria Group S.A.

PAE Les Glaisins, Annecy-le-Vieux, 74940 Annecy





Sopra Steria SE

Hans-Henny-Jahnn-Weg 29 22085 Hamburg



Benelux :


Sopra Steria PSF Luxembourg S.A.

2-4 rue du Château d'Eau, L-3364 Leudelange


Sopra Steria Benelux S.A.

Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur 15-23, 1050 Brussels, Belgium





Sopra Steria España SAU

Avd. Manoteras 48, 28050 Madrid





Sopra Steria Group S.P.A.

Strada 4 Palazzo A7 Milanofiori, Assago



Poland :


Sopra Steria Polska Sp Zoo

Uniwersytecka 13, 40-007 Katowice



Norway :


Sopra Steria AS

Biskop, Gunnerus' gate 14A, 0185 Oslo





Sopra Steria India Ltd

Seaview Special Economic Zone Building No. 4,

Plot No. 20 & 21 Sector - 135, 201304,

Noida - Uttar Pradesh


Appendix 2

Sopra Steria Travel & Expense Policy



All expenses incurred and described below will be reimbursed only upon presentation of original receipts.


·      Air Transport

This mode of transport is authorized for all journeys over 500 kilometers.

For destinations served by TGV, train travel will be preferred if the "door-to-door" journey time is identical to within 1 hour.

The use of "best price" tickets is the rule. For example, the service provider will systematically choose a low-cost airline with the lowest fare.


·      Rail transport

For both economic and environmental reasons, rail is the preferred mode of transport.


·      Hotels

The amounts below are the maximum amounts allowed, covering overnight stay and breakfast:

  • Paris: € 175 maximum
  • Major provincial cities*: €140 maximum
  • Province: €120 maximum

*Aix, Annecy, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Rennes, Strasbourg and Toulouse


·      Taxi

The use of a Taxi in France must remain exceptional within the 08h-20h time slot in areas with a public transport network.

Taxi expenses will only be covered on presentation of original receipts.


·      Catering

The amounts below are the maximum amounts allowed:

  • Lunch: € 18 maximum
  • Dinner: € 25 maximum